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Our F-35 is equipped with a FORD 2711E engine.
Most Finnsailer 35 were as standard, of factory,
equipped with a Perkins 4236 engine.
The first owner of our boat decided to have the newer designed, more powerfull (0,3 L higher displacement) and in his opinion more silent, FORD 2711E engine installed.
To the right you see a photo of our engine.
If FISKARS had something to do with this, we do not know, but the boat was used as showboat for the company in Turku, the first 1 -2 years - so there is a possibility, that they wanted another, and newer designed engine in the boat.
FORD 2711E
The Ford 2711E was produced by Ford of Britain at their engine plant in Dagenham, just east of London from 1970 to 1981. It was originally designed to power British Ford D-Series trucks. It features 254 cubic inch displacement, natural asperation, overhead valves operated by rockers, push rods and tappets from a camshaft located in the right-hand side of the cylinder block, a horizontal crankshaft, four inline cylinders with cast-in-block Parent Bore cylinders, direct fuel injection with the combustion chamber machined into the crown of the aluminium alloy solid skirt pistons.
Ford did not produce a marine rated version of this engine, however several companies including AmMarine and Sabb marinized the industrial version of this engine for marine service. For a short time in the 1970’s, American Marine, the makers of Grand Banks, marinized the Ford 2711E industrial engine for their pleasure craft.
Our 2711E was marinized by the Swedish company Nils Gustavson AB at Bosön (Lidingö) in Stockholm, back in 1974-75. A lot of 27XXE series engines was installed in the early Nauticat 33 motorsailers.
Originally the 2711E engine was fitted into the FORD D Series Trucks.
To the left, you see a photo of a FORD D Truck.
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